“Ascend” a poem by Westley Nash

“Ascend” I wish to stand upon a mountaintop!.. The highest perch resting between the earthly world beneath me, and the vast cosmic expanse far above. To bring manifest all that I am, all that I have achieved, and all that I have strived for yet failed to secure. Along with both the conscious, and unconscious … More “Ascend” a poem by Westley Nash

“Dead Space” a dark poem by Westley Nash

“Hurt leads to bitterness, bitterness to anger. Travel too far along that road and the way is soon lost!” – Terry Brooks (paraphrased) “DEAD SPACE” There is a dead space inside my soul.With all feelings frozen by a darkness cold. A starless void to where my light descends,where emotions die and their memories end. Nothing … More “Dead Space” a dark poem by Westley Nash

“Hiding Place” (a vast ocean of apathy) by Westley Nash

“Some scars don’t hurt. Some scars are numb.” Some scars rid you of the capacity to feel anything ever again.” – Joyce Rachelle I draw the feelings from their hiding place. Dragged kicking and screaming into the spotlight to explain themselves! For why are they here? Who granted them tenancy? And even more so, why … More “Hiding Place” (a vast ocean of apathy) by Westley Nash